‘Night Bumps’ - Bo Bribery and Mr. Slipz

This week we get into Bo Bribery and Mr. Slipz’s ‘Night Bumps'

Mr. Slipz and Bo Bribery have been partners in beats for a while. The latter explained how he began in music playing bass in bands, then progressed on to creating Hip Hop when he was given a Korg Kaosillator and copped his first MPC. Mr.Slipz has had a similar journey in music. As well as having familiar musical journeys, the pair also share a the willingness to experiment, innovate and expand on Beats. With both producers crafting individual and organic albums and EPs in their solo careers. ‘Night Bumps’ is the latest offering from these talented UK producers, but how does it stack up in their stories?

‘Night Bumps’ is built one two key thematic principles. The freedom of the night and the synergy that comes from friendship. One is apparent and the other is more subtle, but the project wouldn’t be the same without both. The freedom of the night brings is an oft explored theme, but Bo Bribery and Mr. Slipz explore it in a totally unique way. Through ethereal sounds, grimy drums and surprise twists the duo find the perfect balance of menace and melancholy. These beats can be the soundtrack to a late night commute or when you just want to vibe, and it fits both moulds beautifully. 

The other key element is less tangible but all the better for it. The album’s inception is rooted in the partnership between these two producers. ‘Late Bumps’ was created over a period of time where Mr. Slipz was staying on Bo’s sofa. The tightness in sound from the pair translates into a sharp, dynamic thematic exploration. We asked Bo about the how the project came about and the process of creating it:

‘Slipz and I had collaborated a fair amount in the past. A few months ago he was crashing on my sofa for a while and we decided to put a tape together. We worked on it most nights for a couple of weeks straight, being hermits and indulging in loads of cheese and meats.’

Another outstanding tenant of ‘Late Bumps’ is the incredible drum and rhythmic work. BUMPS is the primary word here. Slow rolls with interesting flows permeate the entire project. Each track is an oozing necksnapper. Bo Bribery and Mr. Slipz have outdone themselves rhythmically here. All the beats are anchored to a dedication to the funk. Not one track is marred by flimsy drums or an abrupt, rhythmic change of pace. The duo had a vision for the flow of this album, and have achieved a cohesive but organic product without sacrificing that. Tracks like ‘Snus’, ‘West’ and many more, play with deep sounds and eclectic rhythmic movements. Bo explained a little how the drums worked and were treated on the album:

‘I used to be a MPC purist when it came to processing and structuring my drums, but have since become more open-minded. We used a variety of different methods on this tape, some drums came from the MV8000, some were processed through the SP303 and/or SP404, and some were recorded onto tape through a Tascam 4-track and back out into the DAW. Once we had all our beats together, we saturated them all through an analogue valve desk.’

Melodics/Samples as intangible as the theme. The melodic sounds on ‘Night Bumps’ are a juxtaposition to the heavy drums. Not light as such, but almost perfectly balanced. They float and glide with a few surprises thrown in. ‘09’ is a perfect example. On this track a beautiful sampled piano slides over a slow bump with a twist. I won’t ruin the surprise here but it’s inclusion is an amazing addition that, ostensibly, shouldn’t work but in reality adds a dash of spice at the mid way point.

This is the beauty of ‘Night Bumps’. The album is totally fearless in its execution and the melodics don’t let the side down. The sampling and melodies are worked into the theme but don’t slack, and are in no way an afterthought. This is peak production in terms of selecting sound. Confident, unapologetic and beautiful.

‘Night Bumps’ is a rock solid, air tight album. The relatable theme has edge but the friendship between the pair can’t be discounted. The project wouldn’t be what it is without the almost telepathic back and forth between these two talented producers. The drums and rhythmic work form the strongest possible foundation for these ideas. Rooting the sound in a bedrock of funk that is unique, powerful and satisfying beyond the norm. Floating through all this, but still incredibly impactful, is the melodics and sampling. Light to the touch but heavy in meaning and execution, the sounds on ‘Night Bumps’ take you on a journey. Serving as instruments to the narrate this gorgeous story. ‘Night Bumps’ is a special album. Forged in a unique way with little to no fuss, the album is multifaceted. Taken at face value as a late night OST it is as beautiful in any scenario the listener chooses. This is the mark of something unique and intangible but oh so fulfilling. ‘Night Bumps’ speaks to a lot of different moods and feeling, and moreover doesn’t falter when put in these situations. Enjoy this one any time, any day and you won’t be disappointed

Follow Bo Bribery on Facebook and IG.

Follow Mr.Slipz on FacebookTwitter and IG.

Listen to ‘Night Bumps’ here:


‘PRESS START’ - Grumpysnorlax


‘Bedtime Stories’ - melocat